I have a older Wilson rotatable. I put a 24 foot 2" chrome moly mast in
The mast can slide down almost to the end of the mast.
I developed a way to lift the tower vertical without that long mast sticking
out and raise the mast after the Wilson is vertical.
Simple old bumper jack.
I built a plate that fits around the collar of the top section and the
vertical part of a bumper jack fits into. Then put a 4X4 steel angles with a
hole the shape of the jack riser.
Crank up the jack, tighten the mast collar bolts, lower the jack and angle
and repeat.
I'm sure this approach could be adapted to other towers that have a non
tapering top section.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Bill H. in Chicagoland
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