> Now for a more fantasy idea, I recently saw a fisherman with a huge
> slingshot. It was a large metal frame and he used a boat trailer winch to
> pull back the rubber cords. It was capable of shooting a heavy weight a
> couple of hundred yards. Just an idea for those of you with bigger trees
> orhave to have more power!
This won't compete with the above, but I have had good luck with the
following "bow and arrow" technique:
1. I purchased an inexpensive child's fiberglass bow and arrow "set" at a
local farm store. This was something like $10, not a child's version of a
more professional bow.
2. I also purchased a Game Tracker device with 1000 ft of bright orange
line. This is analgous to a fishing reel, but much smaller diameter and no
moving parts. It just houses the spool of VERY lightweight line.
3. I just duct-taped the Game Tracker to the bow just below the arrow rest.
I tied the line to the end of the arrow near the tip and applied a round or
so of duct tape.
4. The child's bow was easy to pull back comfortably so that aiming was
easy. It had just the right amount of power to clear an 80-100 ft tree.
Although the line was light, it was strong enough to pull up 50 pound
fishing line next, which then pulled up the next rope.
5. The Game Tracker and it's line replacements were much less expensive in
a local sporting goods store than anywhere I could ever find on the
Just another option, and BE VERY CAREFUL firing arrows into the sky!!!! I
did mine with an empty cornfield behind the tree! ;-) 73
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