Go To Your local Rental Place and rent what is called a Mag drill
meaning it has a magnetic base that you can turn on the magnet it will
hold it's self fast to the steel but its heavy to lift but after you
mount it turn on the magnet all you have to do is rotate the press
handle to drill it to your size you want
They use these on steel I beams and heavy drilling in metal fab shops.
Do not I repeat do not use a very hard drill bit on hardened steel
plain high speed twist drill bit by Cleveland twist drill works just
The rule of thumb for metals is hardened metal use soft metal to cut it
Lots of oil or coolant keep bit cool.
Must be a sharp bit. Like prefer new.
Kevin Adam
1239 W. Till Rd.
Fort Wayne IN. 46825
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-towertalk@contesting.com
[mailto:owner-towertalk@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Charlie Summers
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 4:28 PM
To: towertalk@contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] Drilling Chrome-Moly Steel
Can someone please tell me what type of drill bit I need to drill out a
5/16" diameter hole in my existing 2" mast with 3/8" wall. I want to go
5/8 if possible but the mast may just be too hard.
I would rather stay away from the real expensive, like $150.00, drill
instead preferring to use several say cobalt tipped or titanium tipped
some kind of hardened steel bit.
I have looked at McMaster-Carr's catalog and see what they recommend in
print but was hoping someone would be able to give me guidance based on
The other hooker is I have to drill this on the top of a tower so
there for hours will not be pleasant, especially with a heavy half inch
This is a rather personal request on a Tower-Talk related subject so
personal replies might be in order to: w0yg@prolynx.com
Thanks and 73,
Charlie, W0YG..>>
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List Sponsor: Are you thinking about installing a tower this summer? Call us
for information on our fabulous Trylon Titan self-supporting towers - up to
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