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[TowerTalk] Proposed Changes to 40 Meters

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Proposed Changes to 40 Meters
From: (Stan or Patricia Griffiths)
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 22:19:38 -0700
On the surface, this may seem an inappropriate subject for
this reflector but consider the implications to all of us
with 40 meter beams if the band were suddenly moved down 100
KHz to 6.9 MHz.

I have not heard what the ARRL would propose for a band plan
if the 40 meter band suddenly changed from 7.0-7.3 MHz to
6.9- 7.2 MHz.  If the entire band plan just shifts down 100
KHz, that means anyone who operates the low end of 40 cw
will have to lengthen his elements to get the same
performance from his antenna as he does now.  For most of
us, it means more than just telescoping the elements out a
little farther.  I doubt there is enough spare aluminum in
your current beam to do this.  I don't think there is in
mine.  I would be much happier if the band plan would take
the activity normally found in the 7.2-7.3 region and move
it to the 6.9-7.0 slot and just leave the rest of it alone.
Since I never operate in the 7.2-7.3 region, I wouldn't have
to do anything to my antenna.

I know this is wrong place to discuss what to do about my
TS830 that does not go down to 6.9 MHz . . . it might just
mean that I would not bother to operate 40 any more . . .

I for one, think the League should be working overtime to
get us our existing band of 7.0-7.3 MHz to be exclusive
amateur worldwide.  It seems they have just given up and
think 6.9-7.2 is "good enough" . . . I don't think so.  How
many shortwave broadcasters would have to change their
equipment to move out of the 7.0-7.3 area as compared to the
number of hams that will have to modify their equipment?
And how hard is it to move a crystal contolled broadcast
transmitter compared to a synthesized multiband ham
transciever?  If they just moved the broadcasters UP above
7.3 MHz, they would only have to shorten their antennas
which is FAR easier than lengthening them and, as I
understand it, most of them are directional wire arrays
anyway which are MUCH easier to shorten than it is to
lengthen rotary 7 MHz Yagis.

I haven't heard any numbers on this but I would guess it
would be FAR less impact on far fewer people to move the
broadcasters than to move the hams.

If there is another place to discuss this, where is it?


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