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[TowerTalk] A - MAST

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] A - MAST
From: (
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 09:21:39 -0500
I've been using Radio Shack masts for years, Field Day, Temporary supports,
semi-permanent supports, etc.  Our Club has used one to support a Cushcraft
A4S every year in all sorts of winds, and it may bow a bit but we have never
had one fail.  It is essential that it be guyed properly or all bets are
off, (kinda like a real tower, huhh?).  I also use them as the mast for
R-7's and DX-77's and they are perfect heights for these multiband
verticals.  I use one at my Colorado QTH pushed up and attached to my
deck/roof at the base, 3'mark, and 20' mark with a R-7 on top. I leave about
4' of the top section in and about 2' in the next to top section for
stability. It has withstood snow storms and winds for over 6 years now used
about 6 weeks each winter and a month or so  every summer.

Jon Hamlet, W4ZW
Casey Key Island, FL

"A little bit of paradise in the Gulf of Mexico"
uld have what you are looking for in a good sturty
> > push-up
> > mast....I would avoid Radio Schacks....Although most of their
> > products
> > are decent their push-up leaves a lot to be desired......Put one up
> > at
> > my XYL's school for her radio club and 2 days later it was laying
> > buckled over on the roof....Didn't have much wind load on it a small
> > 6
> > meter beam and a dual band vertical.....Yes it was properly
> > installed
> > ...Set in the ground about 2 foot down double attached too the
> > building
> > with the highest point about 12 feet up and guyed at 2 different
> > levels....Luckily I do a lot of bussiness with them and they gave me
> > credit for it....Also lucky it didn't tear up the new antennas to
> > bad..
> > Ted  K9HUH
> >

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