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[TowerTalk] Using Diplexers and Triplexers

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Using Diplexers and Triplexers
From: (Matt T Powell)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:33:28 -0500
On Sat, 12 Jun 1999 01:05:37 -0000 "W3MC" <> writes:
>The Diamond triplexer gives enough isolation that you don't fry the 
>end of a radio in receiver when another is transmitting? Do you notice 
>de-sense ?   I have been asked to put a packet node here, and a 
>would allow it with very little fuss & bother- I already have a 
>G6-270 which I'm only using on 440 for packet- the node would be on 
>2M.  I
>was afraid the Diamond (or Comet, or similar) duplexers would not give
>enough isolation for running two radios into one antenna.  Thanks.
>Mike Cizek  W3MC

 Hi Mike,
    Sorry I was not more specific, about the setup. I am only using one
radio, Yaesu FT736R, with outputs on 144,222,432,1296 mhz. To save on the
cost of running separate feed lines for each band, I use the 2
triplexers. Taking the output on 144,432, and 1296 feeding them into a
triplexer in the shack. Then into the LMR 600 and up to the second
triplexer on the tower, which feeds the separate yagis. The 222 gets a
separate feedline.
   I know its not the best set-up, but it works.

                73  Matt   W3UUM

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