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[TowerTalk] A Different Take On Guy Wires?

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] A Different Take On Guy Wires?
From: (
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 17:55:44 -0400

On Sun, 2 May 1999 13:45:41 EDT writes:
> In a message dated 99-05-02 12:49:41 EDT, writes:
> > On a related thread would not just one set of 1/4" EHS guys at the 
> 40'
> >  level be sufficient for a modest tribander type of installation?
>      For 45G? According to the Rohn catalog, that's the recommended 
> configuration. One set up to 50 feet at 110 MPH. You do have a Rohn 
> catalog, 
> don't you?

I do ( starting about 30 yrs ago) but it seems many of the commenters are
clueless. Some of the replies are totally ludicrous, uninformed and maybe
However I get real nervous above about 40'  on 45G so felt that was my
own comfort margin.

> >  Which would be better in that case, a pier pin base or solid 
> concrete?
>      For this modest installation, I'd sink a section in the 
> concrete base. 
> Four inches or so of gravel in the bottom for leg drainage.

Agree, cheap and safe.

> >  This would then negate the need for easy to damage Phillystran 
> and
> >  possibly even guy insulators. 
>       How would that negate the need? You're still dealing with 
> metallic guys 
> of some length and they will interact with antennas. Just because 
> the tower 
> isn't very high doesn't mean that the metallic guy wire problems go 
> away.

A tribander 20' above the guy station should not interact enough to cause
a problem except on a computer.
This was supposed to be an excersise in reality, not

> > In Florida having everything grounded 6 ways to Sunday seems a 
> wise move.
>      I agree.
> Cheers,   Steve    K7LXC

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