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[TowerTalk] HF Beams

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] HF Beams
From: (Tom Gerdes Jr.)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 01:43:55 -0400
Hi Bob,

I may get some flack from what I'm about to say, but I just want to let you
know a little about the Mosley Pro 67C. I know LXC suggested checking out
the "Tribander Test" booklet, but you will not find any info in it re: the
Pro 67C. They couldn't even test the Pro 77 since it was "defective" and in
my opinion, not as good an antenna as the Pro 67C. Interesting though that
Steve mentioned they tested the Pro57 and if your headed to Dayton, you'll
get to hear about the latest tests. I guess there will be another edition of
test results for the antennas tested. Now for my impressions on the Pro67C.
I have one and have worked what I could hear at power levels of 100 watts or
less.  It is a compromise, however, to get a single antenna to play on 7
bands. The 40 meter tuning is the most hassle you will run into as far as
getting 40m to play right where you want it. If I can do it with the gang I
had helping me, anyone should be able to do it. It is a heavy antenna at 115
lbs. so installation can be a problem. I don't even worry about the traps
since the antenna works. All this talk about trap loss may be valid, but I
haven't noticed any detriment from using a trapped high-Q beam.  A statement
was made saying the 40m section didn't work any better than a dipole. All I
have to respond to that is, that must be one heck of a dipole. I have gain,
directivity, and f/b on 40m. It out performed my original dipole and my
later inverted V.  My only complaint I have re: the Pro67-C is if you want
to put any other antennas on the same tower, you have to stay about 6-10
feet away from the Mosley. I have a 13B2 ten feet above the Pro67 and a dual
band vhf/uhf vertical at the very top of the mast. I will be experimenting
with some wires for 80m & 160m soon and see what kind of effect they will
have on the pattern or resonance of the Pro67C.

Just to complete the backround on my one tower station.........the Pro67-C-3
is mounted 72 feet up on a Universal aluminum tower with a 24' x .250 wall
aluminum mast sunk about ten feet into the tower and through a thrust
bearing. I'm turning the Mosley and the 13B2 with a Yaesu 1000sdx rotor. By
all standards, this rotor should have failed already since the K-factor is
somewhat over 2700 and the rotor is only rated at 2020. Three years and
still going strong. Just in case of rotor failure, I am prepared to replace
the 1000sdx with the 2800sdx for the added peace of mind. I know I'm going
to have rotor failure sooner or later, but I can't complain about the
service the 1000sdx has provided me with. The Force 12 C-3 is a nice
lightweight antenna, but the Pro67C outperforms it on all three bands. This
was not a technical "controlled" test as K7LXC and N0AX performed, but a
comparison between the two by a couple of amateurs that just decided to see
what worked best. I like the C-3 for portable or field day operations. It is
light enough to mount and put on a push-up mast by myself and I'm in a

If you go by what you read.....the Hy-Gain TH-11 may be your antenna or
maybe even the Bencher Skyhawk. I just had to throw my .02 in.

Good luck & 73,
Tom  N3NXA

WIN95 USER wrote:

> I am interested in puting up an antenna with more coverage and gain than
> the one I have now (Mosely TA-33SR).  I have been browsing the ARRL web
> site and have not found any tests or comparisons they have done with HF
> Beams. I was particularly interested in the Mosely Pro-67C.  Does anyone
> have information as to where I might look for any definative testing
> done on this type of antenna.  Might also be interested in a HY-GAIN or
> something else with the same gain and coverage.
> Thanks and 73s
> Bob WA8TUO
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