Changing resonance when phasing two verticals is normal. If you
are using an antenna tuner, I would not be too concerned.
If you have the time, try tuning them a little lower in frequency and
see what happens.
I have a pair of phased coaxial inverted L's on 80 and another pair
on 40 and they exhibit that same characteristic BUT they play
fantastic (I use a tuner). I cut them for my favorite freq on each
band and did not bother cutting them lower as I sometimes lose
one of the antennas due to all sorts of crazy things (squirrels
chewing the feedline right through the shield, falling trees, etc) so
that I can always use a single antenna.
Good luck
Bruce WA3AFS
> I recently installed two Butternut HF6V vertical antennas. I spaced
> them at a quarter wavelength for my favorite spot on 40meter (7.277Mhz).
> I tuned each ant.
> to resonance (with MFJ259B/ separately on the same frequency). I cut a
> three quarter wavelength piece of RG213 to use as the delay line between
> the
> two ants. When I check the resonance at the input side of the array the
> resonance spot is now around 7.450Mhz. I checked at the shack and the
> results are the same...
> SO, my question is WHAT HAPPENED? Should I tune the antennas lower in
> freq? The ARRL ant. book makes no mention of this weird scenario.
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