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[TowerTalk] M2'd Orion 2800

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Subject: [TowerTalk] M2'd Orion 2800
From: (Rich Hallman N7TR)
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 03:15:46 -0700
  Just finished an 8 hour day on top of the tower removing my 10 year old T2X 
and installing a new Orion 2800.

  Before installing the rotor, I wanted to verify the Rohn 25 Rotor mount had 
the right size holes and layout.....All was fine.    After removing the T2X and 
hosting up the #45 pound rotor I realized that the bolts were a different 
size!!!    Seems that Rohn had at least two styles of Rotor mounts.  The one I 
tested was an oblong hole and a 3/8 inch bolt just fit through OK....The one on 
the tower was drilled in 4 spots with a 1/2 inch hole.....Ran back down the 
tower grabbed the battery drill and drilled them out to 3/8 inch...No problem.

    After a whole lot of mods with a hax saw I was able to get the Orion 2800 
mounted.  M2'd says the 2800 will only fit in the short top section of the Rohn 
25, without mods.  Mine was mounted 10 feet down.  Cut at your own risk.....

    After installing the steel clamps I noticed that I ran out of threads on 
the bolts supplied with the rotor.  Manual says Min size mast is 1.75 
Inches....Mine was 2.0 and it wouldn't snug up.....I installed a few extra 
washers and seems to be OK...Ill replace them with Grade 5 all thread next week.

    So far it looks REAL good....I need to replace the cable with heavier gauge 
wire, and that will be done tomorrow.   Seemed like the T2X would work with 
lighter gauge wire than the 2800....Even after the motor wires have been 
doubled up.

   Will take some time getting used to the digital readout...Sure miss the 
Analog pointer on the Hy-Gain control....

    See Ya!   Rich  N7TR

    Richard Hallman  N7TR            N7TR@RNODX.ORG
    11870 Heartpine St
    Reno NV  89506                   EX: KI3V, HL9RH
    702 677-1106                         A92FN, N3AMK

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