On Mon, 02 Sep 1996 06:38:55 -0700 jrob@epix.net writes:
>Howdy all,
> I am thinking about putting up an array of slopers on the tower.
>The attached heighth would be about a quarter wave and a descent
>of radials would be attached to tower base. Are there possibly people
>here that run 4 slopers off their tower to a switchbox that could give
>me some indication on this installation compared to others....say an
>inverted vee or a vertical??? Is there much interaction between them?
>Are they very hard to tune? Is it really worth my trouble? Any
>answers would be appreciated. The band I intend to use these on is 80
>meter phone. If I put an inverted vee for 160 above it.....any
>And finally,on these slopers, what would be the easiest way to get use
>out of them on the cw part of the band,too? Lots of questions, but I
>know their are many intelligent antenna people out here who could lead
>me in the direction thats easiest and best for me! 73 de Jeff,N3MLV.
Hi Jeff,
Slopers are highly dependent upon the tower, what antennas
are on and near the tower, and ground conductivity. I would
recommend computer modeling to see how your proposed configuration
would work.
I was surprised to see, when I modeled my single sloper setup,
that by far the highest currents were in the tower itself and
that the pattern was omnidirectional within 1 dB in the azimuth
plane. I used ELnec software for modeling.
I have a ceramic switch in the low end of the sloper that is
accessible from a stepladder to add a short pigtail for the cw
end of the band.
Dave, K6LL