Here is my dillema-I need to pour cement for my 54' Delhi Self Supporting
Tower-the base is
3'X3'X4'-Due to the shape of my yard there is no way a cement truck can get
anywhere near
the hole! I checked the price of a Schnorkel(sp?) and almost had a heart attack!
A couple of my friends with Italian heritage(and thus by some divine
intervention claim to
have some expertise in this area even though one has never laid hands on a
shovel in his
life) have told me to rent a portable mixer, buy bulk cement, gravel and sand
and mix it in
stages . This seems like a lot of work to me. The other idea is to have the
cemnt truck back in
as far as possible and then do a relay of wheelbarrows to fill the hole(even
more work!) I
know you can rent portable hoppers that hold enough concrete, but I could not
even get the
hopper close to the hole!
Any thoughts?