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Re: Topband: DX Conditions

Subject: Re: Topband: DX Conditions
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 11:13:19 -0800
List-post: <>
On 12/20/2024 10:53 AM, Mark Lunday wrote:
Sounds like a great justification for diversity reception, which I can do on my 

It's exactly why diversity reception was invented, probably more than 100 years ago! The fundamental concept is that there must be two receivers, one fed to only one ear, each radio fed by a different antenna as widely separated as practical, so that when the two signals are most out of phase at one antenna they will be more closely in phase at the other.

It's most effective (that is, easier to copy) if the two receivers are phase-locked to the same frequency, as is done in Elecraft radios, so the frequency of the CW note is the same in both ears. It produces a strong characteristic "stereo effect."

They can also be antennas with have different directivity, either vertically or horizontally. Whether on topband or at VHF/UHF, the different paths can be arriving from different directions, or from a lower or higher vertical angle.

Note that two antennas into the SAME receiver is NOT diversity reception. Some mfrs of rigs, especially SDRs, are doing this, and calling it diversity. It's not.

73, Jim K9YC

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