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Re: Topband: CY9C

To: ok1tn <>
Subject: Re: Topband: CY9C
Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 13:56:37 -0500
List-post: <>

Hi Slavek,

I want to thank you for our many dozens of cw qso's and contest qso's through the past decades.

I'm 63 and have been a ham for 51 years and just completed DXCC Honor #1 last year - my "Lifetime Achievement Award". Like you, I would like someday to work/confirm 300 countries on 160, but it is not a serious goal as I am often not on when someone activates a country on 160 that I need. When I have the time and the propagation is favorable, operating 160 cw can be a lot of fun, but whether or not I get to 300 doesn't really matter. Other things are far more important to me.

Miserable, spiteful, nasty people have always been in our hobby because our hobby is a reflection of the real world, and, thanks to technology, these people are far more visible now than in the past. But it is also true that through this hobby I have been privileged to meet some of the most decent, wonderful and interesting people on Earth, all of whom I would never know existed without our hobby, much less being able to call them my friends. It is a tradeoff that has greatly enriched my life!

Yes, DQRM and other annoyances SUCK and complicate our lives unnecessarily. They steal away some of our joy and happiness and sometimes make what should be easy, very hard. But that is the "price of admission"; no different than in "real life" no matter where in the world you live.

I have always believed that it is important to stand up for what you believe and to do what is right. So I persist in the face of DQRM and jealous/nasty people to show them that I'm going to continue to do what I love and enjoy despite their sickness and pathology. While I am contributing to something worthwhile that enhances my life, they are doing something hateful, self-destructive and very sad. It is their loss in so many ways. No longer operating would be a loss of enjoyment for me as well as rewarding them for their pathetic behavior
and I won't let that happen.

There are times when I feel like operating and other times when I don't. It is easy enough to turn on the
radio on or to turn it off.  May I suggest the same for you?

You obviously have loved operating on cw and in contests. If it doesn't feel good to you then stop. Take a break. Radio and contests are part of who you are and that doesn't go away. It may take a few weeks, months or years, but rest assured that your love of operating will return. And when it does, you will feel
excited to get back on again.

73 and GL!

Bob, KQ2M

On 2024-09-07 01:31, ok1tn wrote:
Hi dxers.

I am 78. I have all ctrs cfm. I had a dream to land 300 on 160m. I will not complete the remaining 3 lands. I gave up no more dxcc. Not only the FT8 but
also the behavior of some of today's hams has discouraged me from
continuing. All my life I have been perfecting the setup, especially the
antenna setup. I have carried out several expeditions, including to the
Pacific, Africa, Asia, etc. I wish the rest of my friends to enjoy a
wonderful hobby that will no longer bring me joy and pleasure.

Ch. Slavek ok1tn,

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