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Re: Topband: Going OT

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Going OT
From: Steve Harrison <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 19:58:50 -0700
List-post: <>
On 8/12/2024 7:35 PM, Wes Stewart wrote:
I managed to grab Sparky and pull him to safety. (This time)*  I had
the wife keep an eye on the snake while I retrieved my 10-22 and
dispatched him.

* I say this time because you would think the dog would have already
Out here in Yucca Valley-29 Palms-Wonder Valley, we have a number of
rattler catcher-handlers who'll relocate rattlers gratis, several of
whom advertise their services to train dogs to avoid rattlers. I have no
idea how they do that. I've been fortunate in that I've yet to spot a
rattler or even a scorpion where I live (and I frequently go outside at
night to stare at the stars). But my property is Black Widow Capital! I
spot (and usually dispatch) a new one every other night...


Steve K0XP

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