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Re: Topband: KH8

To: "m.r.c." <>, "160" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: KH8
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2023 14:14:43 -0400
List-post: <>

Thanks for the advice. It appears that if I fix the generator noise, the TX antenna will also be a good RX antenna, but only for signals from 270 degrees (W) to 50 degrees (NE). The mountain shields the noise (and signals) from any other direction.
May try the low dipole.


On Fri, 3 Nov 2023 04:02:12 -0700 "m.r.c."  wrote:
Hi George

if you have the opportunity, a high angle receive antenna for the hours at and 
just after sunset may serve you well

a receiving dipole at 15 ft accounted for a large percentage of contacts during 
that period from XZ0A - unlikely you can do that but any horizontal dipole 
might serve, the typical semi and full beverages heard nothing.

on the other end, the path was invariably a skew path arriving from the 

it has been proposed that the propagation is along the actual grey line, and 
not any normal great circle path.  This seems to occur during periods of high 
solar activity when the traditional paths are blocked by the polar Oval

this was consistent and repeatable

explanations vary, but the symptoms seem to match the greyline being treated 
like a duct, and the incoming signals near and after sunset were dumped out 
almost right over our heads

Signals from us were repeatedly heard best on southwest facing directional 
receive arrays east stateside.  for your longitude, it becomes possible that 
this same process might take your signal to Europe as the path plot looks 
somewhat similar, just shifted well east of our path stateside from XZ0A

good luck


----- Original Message ----- From: "GEORGE WALLNER" <>
To: "John Farrer" <>; "John Farrer via Topband" <>; 
"Bill Weaver" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 18:06
Subject: Re: Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 250, Issue 20

John,Originally my inquiry was general, but it has now morphed into a European 
one, as working EU seems to be the most challenging, and that is where the need 
seems to be most acute.
There will be some common darkness both at my SS (W-EU) and SR (E-EU), but 
signals to N. and central EU will have to go right over the pole. EA and G will 
have a slightly better path at my SS.There will be lots of time for NA and SA 
(and Asia if there will be demand).GL and 73,George,AA7JV
On Tue, 31 Oct 2023 23:48:04 +0000 John Farrer via Topband  wrote:
Hi George
Is your question aimed at North Americans or the all of us? I’m sure it’s at least 
that rare here in Europe. We’d love you to try 160m.
John G3XHZ

Sent from my iPhone

On 31 Oct 2023, at 17:29, Bill Weaver <> wrote:I missed you guys 
on KH8/S (multiple tries 😊). Would love to take a crack at KH8 at sunrise here (1100Z 
- 1200Z). Safe travels and 73,Bill WE5PComfortably Numb

Message: 7
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:53:27 -0400
To: "Topband Reflector" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: KH8 Demand on TB
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="flowed"

Hello TobBanders,
I am in American Samoa (KH8) and will be in the Manua Islands, AH54 (OC-77),
later this week. I may have a chance to set up a 160 m station and operate
for a few days. How much wanted is KH8 on TB? ClubLog indicates that it is
quite rare at #30 on 160 m, but I find that hard to believe for a place
recently activated by a number of groups.


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