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Re: Topband: S9OK operation

Subject: Re: Topband: S9OK operation
From: Wes <>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 08:42:15 -0700
List-post: <>
I worked them last night @0422.  Pretty amazing operators. They were readable about an hour earlier but lots of QRM so I gave up.  When I came back they were a bit stronger with some fades and I could see the traffic was lower; they were actually CQing at times.  Looked to me like they were listening 1 to 2 up, mostly up 2 judging by the pileup on the bandscope.  I dropped down 50 Hz from there and worked them with a couple of insurance repeats.  Nice to see the (near) real time log pop up with your call.  If I had a gripe it's that they need to QRS.
Rig here is just a single-RX TS890 to a KPA500 and a 55' Inverted L used for 
both TX and RX.  Conventional wisdom says you can't possibly work TB DX with 
this stuff. :-)
Also this AM (~1200Z) started the season with easy contacts with two of the 
usual suspects, JH1HDT and HL5IVL.
Wes  N7WS

On 10/8/2021 7:12 AM, wrote:
Thursday was the charm as I got them in my log ( and theirs) on
40-30-80-160 cw. Nice to see their almost instantaneous log confirming
qso's and eliminating the need to work them 2-3-4-5 times to be sure.
Nifty! They are new DXCC entities on both 80 and 160 for me.

Its hard to track their tendencies but going to their Clublog website
once I discovered it made things much easier. Still, the first few
days I couldnt keep up with their listening freq gyrations because I
often couldnt hear the stations they were working through the QRN.
Things improved Thursday and that made a big diff.

For 160 cw, their sigs begin to peak around 0430z here in central
Ohio. QRN is still running high so that peak makes all the difference.
Their SR is around 0518z. Sometimes they QSY from cw around 0500z.

Was surprised to see how many qsos theyve made. Nice job S9OK ops!

Note their tear down begins two days before they go QRT. So we have
another week or so to work them.

Great to have a dxpedition back on the air. This was my first new ne
on TB since Covid began.

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