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Re: Topband: Interesting observation and comment (Skewed Path Vs. Horizo

To: Don Kirk <>,
Subject: Re: Topband: Interesting observation and comment (Skewed Path Vs. Horizontal/Vertical Polarization)
From: David Olean <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2021 19:23:16 -0400
List-post: <>
I was QRV one morning when W1FV was working JAs on a skewed path. At that time, he mentioned he was hearing them skewed to the west.  When he was seeing a skewed path, I was seeing a direct path here about 125 miles NE from his QTH. I have long beverages aimed at 260, 290 and 330 degrees. I was seeing the best signals on the 330 degree beverage. The others were much weaker. I don't know how to evaluate that.  At the time, I was too busy to worry about where the signals were arriving from. I was just happy to finally hear some JA stations that were loud!

Dave K1WHS

On 6/3/2021 2:21 PM, Don Kirk wrote:
Hi John,

Hard for me to argue your purely vertical antenna system skewed

Thanks as always.
Don (wd8dsb)

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 2:06 PM John Kaufmann <>

On 160 and 80, I have an 8-circle vertical receiving array.  On very long
paths, it is not uncommon to see skewing.  The most common example is the
path to JA, where the direct path heading should be about 330 degrees from
my QTH in New England.  However, for the last couple winter seasons, when
the path has been open, it has almost always been skewed to the west or
northwest.  It has been quite rare to have a true direct path to JA on
either 160 or 80 from here.  Because my array is strictly vertically
polarized with no horizontal component, the skewing appears to be occurring
in the vertical polarization dimension.  I don't have a directional
horizontal antenna to compare here.

Coinciding with this skewing to JA has been the almost complete absence of
true northerly path over the pole into Asia, primarily zone 18.  In other
solar cycles, the over-the-pole path has opened for at least one or two
seasons at the bottom of the cycle, but not this most recent cycle.

I might suspect there is some local source of skewing at my QTH that is
deflecting signals from the direct path heading, yet from time to time my
array does receive DX signals over the true short path to the northwest.
particular, KL7's are sometimes received from the correct NNW heading on
and 80.  For that reason, I tend to discount the possibility of locally
generated skewing.

73, John W1FV

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