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Re: Topband: Ahem!!!

To: 160 <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Ahem!!!
From: David Olean <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 11:00:41 -0500
List-post: <>
Gee, all I wanted was a few pointers in hopes of knocking off a couple of CQ zones!   I also discovered that many of my e mail replies went into a junque mail folder for some unknown reason. Thanks to all who responded. You gave me a lot of good information that I can pursue.  Along those lines, I sold enuf debris on EBay so I have enough to get my 8 circle array project going again. I try to finance my ham radio habit with selling off old stuff to keep my retirement savings intact for living expenses. So I was cleaning out my basement after replacing an old electric water heater and found two boxes of old vacuum tubes. I looked thru the pile and found a few Western Electric 244 and 247 tubes. I sold em on EBay and can now get the 8 Circle array with the proceeds. I even sold three bad ones for $30. Two had open filaments. The third was dead.  Thank god for the audiophyles (phools).

My plan is to keep all of my beverages intact as they seem to work really well. The Europe one in particular, works well, and is a pair of 1100+ ft wires spaced 370 ft apart. The two feedlines come into the shack to an NCC-1 phasing box.  If and when I get the 8 circle array running,  I will use NCC-1 #2 to phase the 8 circle output with the bevs, or run the two systems into my 2nd receiver port on the K3 for diversity.  As the experts always say, the more knobs, the merrier!

Dave K1WHS

On 3/9/2021 11:52 AM, Tree wrote:
Why is it that this has to turn into an FT8 debate AGAIN???

This is not a productive use of this channel.

Some people like FT8, some people don't.  To each their own.

This is not the channel to discuss that.  OK1RR - this means you.

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