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Re: Topband: Nasty QRM From ??

Subject: Re: Topband: Nasty QRM From ??
From: Artek Manuals <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 09:17:00 -0500
List-post: <>

There are many sources that can generate this kind of "noise" . More common of recent are variable speed blower motors in modern furnaces and central A/C units. Next are cheap switch mode power supplies from a plethora of items, manufactured in PRC. And finally outdoor lights that come on at dark (Both LED and Mercury Vapor)
Since you have apparently killed all personal sources then it is likely 
coming from a nearby neighbor I have had them come from 1/2 mile away 
but not often . sources under a 1/4 mile are more likely. Tried� to look 
at your QTH on google earth but since you have multiple QTH's that 
wasn't possible

On 1/24/2020 1:59 AM, Dick Bingham wrote:
Greetings All

Here are my basic conditions:
- KiwiSDR (~DC-to-30MHz) or
- Apache-Labs 7000dle
- Dell laptop computer
- Both on battery power

I have cleaned up my system using chokes and filtering to the point
there are virtually no CM-signals entering the receiver when the feedline
at the antenna is disconnected and re-connected to a 50-ohm load.

When the antenna is reconnected I see desired signals PLUS an
unwanted comb-line with signals every ~98.4KHz (e.g. comb-lines span
2573.49KHz to 4355.38KHz resulting in 98.438KHz line spacings.)

These signals are frequency stable and not drifty. Shutting down the
house-mains with the receiver battery powered does not kill the QRM.

SO, it looks like something somewhere is generating this junk that runs from
the BC-band to >20MHz.

Have any of you encountered similar ~98.xxxKHz spurious signals ?

73 Dick/w7wkr at CN97uj
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