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Re: Topband: Satisfactory fiberglass pole for K9AY loop

Subject: Re: Topband: Satisfactory fiberglass pole for K9AY loop
From: Larry <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2019 10:58:09 -0500
List-post: <>
I've used 3 inch PVC pipe at the bottom with 2.5 inch above to make a supporting pole. I used the loop to guy it at the top and just rope guys at the middle. Not push up but it works.

73, Larry W6NWS

On 2/20/2019 10:33 AM, Arthur Delibert wrote:
Not sure how much height you need for a K9AY loop.  I've used 16-foot 
Shakespeare fiberglass poles for various antenna supports.  Amazon has 10, 13, 
16 and 20-foot versions.  (Search for Shakespeare fiberglass wonderpole.)  
Whatever length you buy, note that you probably shouldn't count on the last 
extendible segment, by itself,  as part of the length you need, because it's 
too flexible to support much weight; if you need that extra length, Ducktape a 
small-diameter dowel onto the last two sections to give that last section some 
extra stiffness.

Art Delibert, KB3FJO

From: Topband <> on behalf of N4ZR 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 9:15 AM
To: topband reflector
Subject: Topband: Satisfactory fiberglass pole for K9AY loop

Maybe 15-20 years ago, I used a very inexpensive push-up  fiberglass
pole to support the loops of a K9AY loop system.  Alas. details and
source have fled my brain, and much of what I've studied on line is much
more expensive (and probably much sturdier) that what I had then. I'd
appreciate any current suggestions.


73, Pete N4ZR
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