Krassy and I planned to fly together from Boston at 9PM on 02 March. via
Doha/Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu (SABAH). Arrival would be 04 March, a TEAM
MEETING for all on 05 March and a private charter flight to Layang Layang at
0545 hours on 06 March.
On Wed Feb 28th I learned of the GIANT Nor'Easter that was going to hit BOSTON
about our takeoff time on Friday.
I called Krassy and we changed our departure to THURS night 0850 hours - at a
mere additional cost of $800 per man to re-write our tickets.
I mean - what the HELL!! This was SPRATLY - damned that we were going to back
out at this point.....
Departure was okay - we beat the storm and got to DOHA on time. In the
re-write process of our tickets Krassy got a good ininerary - mine SUCKED in
plain English - he got on a plane to KL - I had about a 9 hour layover and
could not get on his plane(without paying another $280 which I decided not to
Jeff Briggs
DXing on the Edge: The Thrill of 160 Meters
Available worldwide through BookBaby, Array Solutions, DX Engineering, Royal
Society of Great Britain, & Amazon
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