Efforts by two teams of highly seasoned and experienced DXpeditioners are well
underway to put both Bouvet and Baker-Howland in your 160m log in 2018. Pent up
demand for both is great. They are #2 and #4 respectively, on the current
overall DXCC most wanted list.
The 3YØZ team plans to be on the island towards the end of January 2018.
They've just added additional sleeping and operating shelters to support their
24/7 all band two week commitment.
The KH1 DXpedition is now set for June 2018. The plan is to be on the air for
10 days, all bands plus FT8 on 6m.
Both DXpeditions will be very QRV on Top Band.
Expenses, as always, are dominated by the transportations costs and both teams
welcome your contributions.
http://www.bouvetdx.org/how-can-you-help/ <http://www.bouvetdx.org/>
Why not contribute to both NOW while your thinking of it?
See you in the pile ups.
73 - Steve WB6RSE
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband