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Re: Topband: BOGs in alley under powerlines

Subject: Re: Topband: BOGs in alley under powerlines
From: Bob K6UJ <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 15:24:33 -0700
List-post: <">>

That sounds interesting. I may try it myself. In my situation, I live on a corner and could only run the bog out in the west direction which might be good for europe which is NW of me. It depends how directional it is on receive. What kind of directivity
have you noticed on receiving with your BOG ?


On 10/13/16 2:34 PM, Chet Moore wrote:

Hi Hank,

what i do here is pretty much what you want to do.  I run mine down the
gutter from my house about 300 feet laying the wire in the gutter. I have
the wire on an electrical cord reel.  It crosses the driveways of 3
neighbors.  I reel it out after dark and reel it back up when done. yes,
cars do and have backed over it and never knew it. to keep the wire in the
gutter, I take my sunday (thickest day of the week) newspapers, put them
back in the plastic protective bags, fill the bag with water which is soaked
up by the newspapers, tie the end of the bag with a bag tie to keep any
water in  and lay the soggy newspaper in the gutter, one on each side of the
driveway to keep the wire low to the ground so it does not snag the
undercarriage of any car coming into or out of their driveway.  A rock or
brick or other type of weighting would likely tip off the owner of the
house. If and When they see a newspaper sort of laying in the gutter, they
just assume that the paper boy missed his target, the insulated wire is only
out after dark and my wire is very dark green, almost black and you really
can't see the wire at night, even the one house closest to the streetlight.
it has worked for about 7 years without anyone noticing. Technically believe
I am laying the wire on city property and not on someones personal property.
No I have not actually researched to see if the homeowner owns any part  of
the gutter. Each night when done, I roll up the wire and then pick up the
newspapers. This is not a particularly busy street. I have about 180
countries on 160. unfortunately, I can only do this aiming 75 degrees or so
due to privacy fences going in other directions. I have never heard  a JA or
KL7 on 160, even though I hear other nearby stations here working KL7 in the
CQ and arrl DX contests. In  the cq and arrl 160 tests I click on every
pacific spot but so far no joy. there is a house 80 feet behind me so I am
deaf to the west. the power lines are on poles 30 feet above the gutter
directly  above the bog. I shunt feed my 95 foot tower which has about 90
I have used the bog in the gutter both terminated and unterminated and see
not any difference. the gutters are cement, the road surface is asphalt so
the bog is laying on the cement for the whole run.I don't remember the full
call but there is I think a W7/K7 (k7ca/ce ??), possibly  portable CE3 in
chile who runs low power. to work him I ran out the bog to the south intead
of 70 degrees. He was 539 on the bog and I could just barely tell he was
there listening on the shunt fed tower.Laying my BOG in the back yard away
from the power lines is not an option.  my bog is a just about twice as long
as yours is projected to be but it will cost you practically nothing to put
the bog out and in your case it looks like it can be left in place.  The
price is right, so  I'd say.........Go for it !


Chet N4FX

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Lloyd -
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: BOGs in alley under powerlines

Assuming the utilities are all in the back yards, I'd suggest you look at
running a BOG wire along the edge of the sidewalk in the front yards.

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of HankP
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 2:51 PM
Subject: Topband: BOGs in alley under powerlines

Is there any point in trying a 160 foot or so BOG down an alley if there are
powerlines and phone lines and cable TV 15 to 30 feet above ??? (Along with
Centurylink VDSL2 carriers across band 2 to 3 dB above my -100 dBm invvee
noise. - at least they are not -75 dBm anymore after two days and two people
and 75 days of hassle )

Probably not but maybe I am missing something - alley runs east - west .

Anybody ever tried this ?

Hank K7HP
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