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Re: Topband: Orientation of a 160 meter receive loop?

Subject: Re: Topband: Orientation of a 160 meter receive loop?
From: K4SAV <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 09:50:15 -0500
List-post: <">>
A small loop mounted horizontally will be omnidirectional, mostly horizontally polarized and with a null overhead. An omnidirectional antenna isn't usually a very low noise receiving antenna. The gain will drop by a lot if the antenna is at low heights. A square loop 5 ft on a side placed horizontally at 10 ft above average ground should have a peak gain of about -44 dBi at 44 degrees elevation on 160 meters. The same loop mounted vertically with the top of the antenna at 10 ft (either apex up or top flat) should have a gain of about -25 dBi.
Jerry, K4SAV

On 9/30/2016 8:03 AM, James Rodenkirch wrote:
I have a 160 meter rcv loop - kc2tx product - I want to employ this season.

I don't have a lot of band noise here in s/w Utah and don't want to bother with 
a rotor so....can I mount the loop in a horizontal configuration and expect 
some improvement in rcv signal strength? I seem to recall Tom, W8JI, cautioning 
me to ensure I have the loop perfectly level. I do have a kd9sv preamp to 
employ and the Zo at the antenna is 50 ohms (verified on my Autek ant analyzer) 
so I can use 50 coax for the feedline.

Thanks, in advance for any 'advice' or reaffirmation I am on solid` ground here.

72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV
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