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Re: Topband: Maunder References

Subject: Re: Topband: Maunder References
From: Kevin Stover <>
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2016 17:41:27 -0500
List-post: <">>
I agree with you.
Most of the evidence for the "little ice age" points to increased volcanic activity. On the other hand no one can say with metaphysical certitude that the MM didn't cause it either. The Mini-Ice age happened in the last half of the MM. How much climatic inertia is there? 70 years of barely measurable output from the sun has to have an effect.

On 6/5/2016 5:24 PM, Charlie Young wrote:
Another link referencing the Zharkova model results: This one mostly steers clear of the climate predictions and focuses on the sunspots or lack thereof. A lot of the articles about this study don't so much object to the sunspot prediction but there is a lot of disagreement regarding the climate effects if the low sunspot activity is true, depending on whether the commenters believe the man made global warming will offset the reduced solar output. I won't touch that one with a 10 foot pole :-) If the prediction of low sunspots is true over the next cycles, maybe I can live long enough to meet my Topband goals! 73 Charlie N8RR

R. Kevin Stover
FISTS #11993
SKCC #215
NAQCC #3441

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