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Topband: 160M A35T

Subject: Topband: 160M A35T
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:19:43 +0000 (UTC)
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Last night was a pleasant surprise.  I started off by working IF9ZWA at 0549.  
His signal came up out nowhere quickly.  I reached over to turn on 3 minutes of 
agony (tube warm-up) and decided to call him barefoot.  A quick QSO resulted  
(he was S7) then I realized I had the K3 power set to drive my amp.  The QSO 
was made with 55W.  He peaked a few minutes later at S9 on the K3 meter.  
Definite SR enhancement
About 0715 I hear stations calling someone thinking it might be A35T.  Finally 
about 0735 I begin to hear very weak CW on 1821.5 and finally worked them at 
0745Z.  The amp was in play, it had remained on.
TX/RX ant is 1/4wl sloper. 
Arne N7KA
New Mexico
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