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Re: Topband: A35T on topband tonight

To: "Richard King" <>, "Top Band List List" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: A35T on topband tonight
From: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 08:48:00 -0500
List-post: <">>
A35T had a great signal into South Florida on 160cw, 80cw, 75ph as well as other bands. Great operation by great operators.
73, Bruce, W8HW

-----Original Message----- From: Richard King
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 11:03 PM
To: Top Band List List
Subject: Topband: A35T on topband tonight

The A35T team will focusing on top band tonight starting at 0600Z,
transmitting on 1822.5 listening up about 2 to 3 kHz. Three operators will
team up to keep the station active on 160M for the entire night.

0600Z to 0930Z - W5RF
0930Z to 1300Z - W5MJ
1300Z to daylight - KG5U

They installed the Array Solutions SAL-20 receiving antenna today which
should help them hear much better.

Too bad there will be a large line of thunderstorms going through Central
Texas overnight. But good luck to you folks in other parts of the country.

73, Richard - K5NA
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