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Re: Topband: Band opening?

Subject: Re: Topband: Band opening?
From: Les Kalmus <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2016 10:16:01 -0500
List-post: <">>

Spot Collector, a program in the free DXLab Suite, can do this.
It is capable of collecting spots from up to four internet sources simultaneously and displaying them on the screen in real time. It has extensive filtering capabilities so you could set a filter for 160 spots from NA East for needed countries, for example, and have the system send you an email when a filtered spot shows up.
Les, W2LK

On 1/3/2016 10:00 AM, K4OWR wrote:
:::: Now that I have your attention....
Is there any method anyone knows of to receive email or a text message when there is DX present on 160 meters? I subscribe to several, but none of them seems to include 160 in the "notification" check box.
Perhaps we could create one? I know this group is supposed to be for 
contestors, but let's be honest, loads of other things are discussed.
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