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Re: Topband: A "valid" QSO????

Subject: Re: Topband: A "valid" QSO????
From: Dave Clouser <>
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 09:40:57 -0500
List-post: <">>
LOTW only looks for callsign, date, time and mode. Nothing else is needed for a confirmation. All other information is collected from your station location information in the TQSL software. This includes state, dxcc, county, grid, zone, whatever.
Dave NZ3M

On 12/27/2015 9:33 AM, James Rodenkirch wrote:
Well, that squares up with what I was told...wonder about the WAS award....

From: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2015 7:28 AM
To: James Rodenkirch
Subject: Re: Topband: A "valid" QSO????

For DXCC purposes a signal report is not required. In submitting a contact for 
credit only the call signs of the two stations, DXCC entity, time, date and 
mode are required. I realized this is only for one award but it is a big one. 
Best, Steve, NN4T

From: "James Rodenkirch" <>
Cc: "Top Band Contesting" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2015 8:21:05 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: A "valid" QSO????

I believe the gentlemen I conversed with would qualify as holding a position, 
Joel. I always understood a valid QSO to include receiving the otherham's call 
sign and the RST but both gentlemen stated an RST wasn't required...think I'lln 
go back and ask the question again...

By the bye - I am referring to a every day, garden variety QSO - not a 
contest-related Q.

From: Joel Harrison <>
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2015 5:19 AM
To: James Rodenkirch
Cc: Top Band Contesting
Subject: Re: Topband: A "valid" QSO????

I would be very interested to know "who" at ARRL HQ told you than and
holds that position!

Is it someone in a position to render an "ARRL position"? I have always
been told, have understood and followed the same position Jim has so I'm
just curious if there was a "change" somewhere along the way when I may
have been taking a nap.

I guess exchange and acknowledgement of callsigns constitutes an "exchange
of data".

Lots of bad storms and heavy QRN here in Arkansas so not much Stew
consumption this year.

73 Joel W5ZN

Jim K9YC wrote, "A valid contact is the exchange of callsigns and one
additional piece of information, followed by acknowledgement by both
stations. When running QRP at the limits of propagation, that exchange can
take a while."

Where would one find official documentation to support that posit?

I see some verbiage stating that in some sort of ARRL operating manual
written by Mark Wilson, that your "source of support"? I've
ntalked to ARRL staff who contend one doesn't need anything other than the
exchange of call signs so....I'm just "axin'"!!

72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV

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