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Topband: 160M ant advice

Subject: Topband: 160M ant advice
From: Robert Harmon <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 18:06:34 -0800
List-post: <">>
I am planning an install of a 160M inverted L and would like critique from you top banders. I was originally planning a separate tower for 160 but my XYL has squashed the idea :-) My tower is 90 feet fully extended with a 18 foot mast currently used for a Force 12 WARC plus 10/15 beam
on top and a N6BT DXU-32, 2EL 40 and 3EL 20  12 feet below.
At the top of the top section I have a 10 foot fiberglass pole I plan to extend out to support the vertical, so it will be 10 feet away from the tower. I am thinking of feeding the vertical and having 4 elevated radials at the 14 foot level.
So the vertical wire will about 76 feet long.

I am wondering if I would be better lowering the feedpoint & radial tie ins down from 14 feet say to 8 feet and have more length in the vertical portion of the L or better to have the 14 feet elevation for the radials ?
Also the horizontal leg of the L on top will be about 5 feet below the 
40/20 yagi only 10 feet out from the tower,
do you think this is OK as far as interaction between the yagi and the 
160 L ?  Anything else I should consider ?
I have never had a decent 160 antenna, just hoping I can work something 
out with my existing situation
thanks in advance,


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