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Re: Topband: Top Band Antenna

Subject: Re: Topband: Top Band Antenna
From: john <>
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2015 19:58:15 +0000
List-post: <">>
I have this with interest---lot of "stuff" maybe even at age 74 you can teach an old dog new tricks...bookmarked and will attempt to absorb thanks 73 john w8wej
On 8/8/2015 2:55 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On Sat,8/8/2015 4:05 AM, rodger bryce wrote:
Further question: should a ground rod be used as part of a radial system, or should it be treated separately.? I have seen various arguments for and against, wondering what the group thinks on this.
A ground rod is NOT an effective part of a radial system, but it IS 
important for lightning protection.
Here are slides for a talk I've done at Pacificon and for several ham 
73, Jim K9YC
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