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Re: Topband: BCB Inv L

Subject: Re: Topband: BCB Inv L
From: Herbert Schoenbohm <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 00:29:39 -0400
List-post: <">>
After Hurricane Georges WSTX here lost there 180 foot Rohn 45 tower and they called me to get them back on the air. I got two telephone poles installed by the power company and had a 200 foot flat top with a 65 foot semi vertical sloping feed over the existing ground system. The bridged "T" tuning box allowed me to get a low SWR for the 5KW transmitter. and this system work so good that owners refused to change it for years even filing for a special hardship waiver. Locally it was sufficient but down the island chain the station was gone. Eventually the tower was built by new owners after the previous owner filled for bankruptcy. The results showed that the the distant islands down the chain could not receive that station. Also it was now possible to drive around Eastern Puerto Rico and hear the station well on a car radio.

Yes my TB experience with inverted "L" wire antennas made all the difference. The only problem was it worked so well the previous owners did not want to construct a replacement tower.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 3/27/2015 11:12 PM, Art Snapper wrote:
The radio station engineer in Moore, OK tuned a broken tower to get the
station back on the air.
It reminds me of an inverted L. Perhaps he is a ham.

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