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Re: Topband: Missing K1N 160m QSO records just uploaded to Clublog

Subject: Re: Topband: Missing K1N 160m QSO records just uploaded to Clublog
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2015 11:17:58 -0800
List-post: <">>
On Fri,2/6/2015 10:59 AM, Kenneth Grimm wrote:
OK, fellas, it's time to check Club Log again.
The case of the missing QSOs is simply the result of their working to 
correct one or more errors with original uploads, whereby QSOs were 
entered on the wrong band or mode. For example, a 30M log was entered as 
10M. To fix that, they killed the complete upload, then reloaded it with 
the corrections made. I suspect that since those logs were coming from 
different computers, they were fixed and uploaded over a period of a 
half day or more.
Bottom line -- they're going to be there for another week or so. No need 
to get our knickers in a twist yet. If you think you worked them, CHILL 
for a few days until things are sorted out. Then if you still don't see 
the Q online, work them again. Chances are it will be easier with the 
reduced demand and their improved RX antennas.
73, Jim K9YC
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