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Re: Topband: 160m RX antenna testing surrogates?

Subject: Re: Topband: 160m RX antenna testing surrogates?
From: Nick Hall-Patch <>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:32:27 +0000
List-post: <">>
The fact that the world outside the Americas has 9kHz rather than 10 kHz separation between broadcasters could help you here Jim. Not as much help for South America, though there is an Argentinian on 1710kHz, but there are US pirates there also.

I believe Mark Connelly WA1ION is on this list, and has suggested medium wave broadcast beacons in the past?

In Maryland, Asia on 160m would be a longer shot, but you could see if you can hear at least a carrier on 1566kHz from HLAZ South Korea, 1575kHz VoA Thailand, maybe 1593 CNR1 China, 1557 Taiwan. (listening when you have a darkness path of course). These are all high power stations, and tend to dominate their frequencies. North Korea still broadcasts on 2350 and 2850kHz, though they may be more relevant for 80m DX.

If you are searching for Australia, 1548 4QD.

best wishes,


(if you have access to QEX July/August 2001, I did an article on the possibilities of using such stations as beacons for 160m propagation studies, but not as much for your regions of interest unfortunately)

At 17:32 20-12-14, you wrote:
Here in the US we have the AM broadcast band which I assume other countries
can use as 160m testing surrogates to some degree.

Are there other DX broadcasters either just above or below 160m that I
could use for testing my RX antennas when ham sigs aren't available? My QTH
is Maryland, USA. I'm particularly interested in EU and SA as those
directions are my best opportunities for adding to my DXCC list.

It would be nice if the system of beacons included 160m some day. I've been
using those on the upper bands and found them very useful.


jim ab3cv
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