They had a gud signal this Saturday morning here in SK around 1430Z and then
after a few minutes disappeared into the noise. Yes they were hearing well.
After working them I didn't spend much time listening as I was putting them
into the log on 80m, where they had an outstanding signal.
-----Original Message-----
FT5ZM was QRV Wednesday evening for NA sunset. They had the best signal
here in the Midwest (Iowa) on 160m to date and worked a significant number
of NA stations. Their signal was weak but not copyable just prior to my SS
(2327z) with signals quickly building and peaking S3/S4 near their SR. As
one would expect they first began working stations on the EC and then
progressing steadily westward. I was fortunate to work them at 2336. They
were also hearing well. Good luck to all that need them!
73. . . Dave, W0FLS
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