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Re: Topband: on the webcam issue

Subject: Re: Topband: on the webcam issue
From: Bill Cromwell <>
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2014 21:45:49 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 01/02/2014 08:40 PM, wrote:
I have gone to about 800 with a J38 doing a SOSB40 as ZK1DRA, it is not
the sending but just getting tired in general that gets me.........

this STEW was awful, i was using a home made key out of a board and a
piece of plexiglass and you really had to work at tyi to send CW......but
i decided to go home brew all the way..........

mike w7dra

I have noticed that some hams use keys that are are virtual heavy duty pump handles! No wonder they get a glass arm. At Field Day once a fellow came along where I was operating CW on 80 meters and commented on the straight key I was using (the same one I still use). He said he hadn't used one in several years. I got up and invited him to use it. He immediately flipped it over upside down with just one go - Tiddly-Wink style. My key has a light touch and a short stroke. I have never been fatigued using it. That guy had been accustomed to sledge hammer blows to operate a straight key <evil grin>. No wonder he went to SSB!
Yes. This Stew was awful. I called a lot of stations and got skunked! I 
was able to work at least *some* stations before I *improved* my antenna 
<evil grin>. Maybe I zigged when I should have zagged.

Bill  KU8H
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