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Re: Topband: Band open, no one home

Subject: Re: Topband: Band open, no one home
From: K2RS <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:32:27 -0400
List-post: <">>
So sorry. You're right. We really should have been on the air last night, but at least some of us were pre-occupied with something called "Sandy," one of the largest hurricanes ever to hit the northeast United States. You know, nearly 50 people dead, $50 billion in damage, 6,000,000 without power. It's no big deal. We'll try to keep out priorities straight and get on the air tonight.
How's the wx at your end, OM?


Jack   K2RS

On 10/31/2012 9:37 AM, Steve London wrote:
Last night (31 Oct UTC) was very good on 160. AA0RS and W5XZ were trolling in the Europeans. The band seemed to be open all evening with OH3XR and PA3FQA being beacons, and RI1ANF with a big signal. But that was about it. Not even the usual east coast suspects.
C'mon's time to test those new antennas that have been 
discussed at length !
Steve, N2IC/5
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