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Topband: K9AY - question

Subject: Topband: K9AY - question
From: Eduardo Araujo <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 10:26:11 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
Hi everybody, I would like to try K9AY antenna for this CQWW mainly for 160 but 
after the contest I hope it to be usefull for 160 and 80.

Q1: would it be possible to use a tree as a central support without affecting 
its performance? or would it be better to hang a rope between 2 trees and hang 
the antenna from it ?

Q2: Should I optimize the resistor for 160 and replace it for both band 
usage...isn't it ?

Many thanks in advance.... Eddy, LU2DKT
Remember the PreStew coming on October 20th. for more 

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