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Re: Topband: TT8TT

To: Alfeo Caputo <>
Subject: Re: Topband: TT8TT
From: Herb Schoenbohm <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 13:11:55 -0400
List-post: <">>

Please don't give up on a simple Beverage as results vary from location to location and even from times of the season. It doesn't take much to lay out 500 feet o wire and ground one end with 470 ohm 2 watt non inductive resistor whille feeding the other end with a 9:1 toroid coil and running some RG-6 to the shack. hopefully you could run this antennas favoring North America and use your TX antenna for Eu stations which are much closer. I tired without sucess to get TT8AMO due to his inability to hear me. Normally West Africa is not a problem for me since the distance is not far. I guess it all depends on the noise levels. I still need TT8 on 160 and will be in there trying as soon as you get on next month.
73 and Good Luck with your trip

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 9/18/2012 11:31 AM, Alfeo Caputo wrote:
Dear all,

as a member of the next TT8TT expedition I assure you that a special
care will be taken in logging as much as possible on topband and 80m.
In the last expedition in Africa the major problem was the weak signal,
the noise was not so much struggling us but some storms were in the
In Ivory Coast we got the best results by using the transmitting antenna
to receive too, it was a vertical wire hanged to palm three dropping to
the lagoon, with the radials in the water. The beverage and the DHDL
were useless, just a loop and the vertical gave reasonable result.

In Tchad we know there is not enough land to lay a beverage, therefore
we are ready with the stuff to rise a loop and a DHDL (of course, the
wire for a beverage is in our bag, just in case...).
We are planning to bring a W7IUW pre-amplifier (I just drop an email to
Elecraft to know about the relevant connection to the rig) hoping to
rise the signal level.

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Best 73,

Alfeo I1HJT

One of TT8TT crew

Il 18/09/2012 14.12, Mike Greenway ha scritto:
If you still need TT on Topband, as I do, please go to and vote in their band needed survey to show you need them on 160. Often the AF expeditions will shy away from Topband stating “too much QRN” but hopefully this one will hang in there. 73 Mike K4PI
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
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