This was posted on by K3LR. KB4HQA provided the webcam
broadcasts and video recordings at the Top Band Dinner and Contest University
in Dayton last weekend. If you attended Dayton, watched his webcasts, or plan
to view his videos please take a few minutes to send an email or card to Tom.
kb4hqa at or his snail mail address on
Many of you saw and or met Tom, KB4HQA, this weekend in Dayton at the
CrownePlaza. He is an awesome guy, a great friend and is a behind the scenes
superstar for contesting. He was the brain power and hardware supplier for the
contest webcam from the Crowne Plaza that many watched who could not attend
On the way to the airport Sunday morning Tom was in a terrible car crash. He is
now in ICU with a broken neck and a broken shoulder. His blood pressure was
critically low yesterday after surgery - so that is why they are keeping him in
ICU. There is no nerve damage. After a long hospital stay and a ton of rehab -
he should be OK.
I talked to Tom today (he is in tremendous pain) and all he wanted to tell me
was that he is sorry for the delays in getting the video recordings from the
weekend posted for guys to watch. Tom is always thinking of others.
Please keep Tom in your prayers. Cards (to the KB4HQA address on and
email well wishes encouraged. kb4hqa at
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