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Topband: Very Nasty Noise

To: <>
Subject: Topband: Very Nasty Noise
From: "WS6X" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 17:20:42 -0800
List-post: <">>
I am forwarding this request for a local friend, Vic, K2VCO.

He recently started hearing an incredibly wide noise at 1.825 +/-. He can
null it with his 2-element DXE active system, but doesn't know precisely
where the null is pointing.

We suspect a new plasma TV in the neighborhood. Before Vic begins the
painstaking routine of trying to locate the noise source, we thought perhaps
someone in this group might recognize it, or could verify that it does look
like a plasma TV.

Vic has posted two screen captures from his P3 panadapter here:



If anyone has experience with plasma TVs, Vic would really appreciate your


Jim, WS6X for K2VCO

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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