Oh boy, here we go! Lot's of land limited budget response would be 8-16
1.5 wavelength beverages for RX. We had 8 of them on the NK7C pivot farm
in February CQ 160 SSB. They worked well although somewhat limited by
the big mountains surrounding the valley in Monroe, UT.
In the case of not so limited budget and time restraints. As with others
comments either the 8 circle array or 8 ea 4el reversible broadside cell
RX/TX arrays like N7JW/K7CA would be prime choice. My system is based on
the later concept and I do not use any beverage antennas. All TX/RX is
done on the the TX array. For domestic contesting throw in a inverted
Vee for the multitudes. All separated by the greatest distance possible.
Bob, W7RH
Bob Kile, W7RH
“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading.
The few who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”
Will Rogers
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