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Topband: Magic Antenna Land................. Thanks

Subject: Topband: Magic Antenna Land................. Thanks
From: "Hugh Valentine" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 03:11:56 GMT
List-post: <">>
Thanks to all who responded.
I got a lot of comments and, also, helpful suggestions.

But, I was reminded in the process that Ham Radio is a truly great hobby as 
several of my old friends chimed in with peer advice and help.

I've been a ham 54 years now.  It has been a major part of my life and I have 
made many friends.  I know, most of us yap on the airwaves, see each other once 
in a while at hamventions and cross paths in these crazy contests we are 
addicted to.  We build our stations and obsess on making things better so we 
can work more and farther DX or win at contests which seem meaningless.

When someone who doesn't really know us on a daily basis comments with 
sincerity or caring it makes you feel good.  Like Yuri...K3BU, who has visited 
my station years ago when I was a Big Boss Man, or George, W8UVZ, who will 
never forget the time I let one of my goats bleat out a BAAAAAAA over the Mic 
when he was operating a contest in the Carribean, and other friends who aim to 
help another's a great hobby...I have spent a big part of my life 
with this hobby.  I know I have done some real craZy things...but the 
fraternity is solid and I am thankful for the experience.

Basically, I am blessed with a fine conductive medium, living on the salt marsh 
here.  But, working on radials wont help me as much as getting a higher 
vertical portion to my antenna.  I may have to buy another piece of property as 
I am in a Restricted neighborhood.

The ground rod probably does not play a part in my signal strength, it is 
concluded, but should remain in place for DC ground purposes.
Nobody has actually measured the current flow in the connection to a ground rod 
as compared to the radial system.  I'd like to actually see that done but I 
don't possess the equipment or ability to undertake that project.  That is 
kinda what I was trying to learn with the request for Oval's dilema.

Thanks, friends, for the input. And I did glean a lot form N6LF's March 2010 
QST article.  I hope everyone reads it.

Hey! I'm a Ham-O-Holic......but the good part is that I know it.  You are in 
serious trouble when you don't know.  Be careful!


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