> > Not that I am loud by any means, but man when you are
> > 20 over 9 and cant hear dozens of people calling wazzup?
> I used to think the reason big guns did not hear me were due to their
> running directional receiving antennas, but I now suspect the majority of
> the
> problem has to do with the very narrow receive filters they run. During
> this recent contest numerous big guns did not hear me when they were full
> scale on my S-meter, so I just kept changing my frequency ever so slightly
> and
> then they magically came right back. It's amazing how just a slight change
> in my TX frequency made all the difference in the world.
> Don (wd8dsb)
I concur. I admit to using very narrow a filtering
when in a contest, sometimes going down to 50Hz but
when I do, I am not the one doing the calling. Most
stations reply when I respond to their CQ so they
are spot on. When I am calling CQ, I have to open
the filters to 250Hz or wider but in doing so, I
hear a lot more QRM.
There were several multipliers I needed to go after
and I had to transmit off their transmit frequency
to be heard. Sometimes 50-75 Hz was all that was
necessary but I could have replied on their transmit
freq. all night and they would have never heard me.
All considering I had to yet again put up the Inv_L
which came down Friday and the rope came undone on
Saturday... (Thank goodness for the Spud Gun talked
about in QST) I managed to eek out 662 contacts.
A lot of fun and I managed to make two WY contacts
which now makes all 50 states on 160.
Gary ka1j
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK