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Re: Topband: Source for wire?

To: "WY7I" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Source for wire?
From: "Herbert Schoenbohm" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 10:04:26 -0400
List-post: <">>

> What source do you know of for radial cheapest? for a new set
of verticals...
> Paul, WY7I

#16 THNN insulated stranded electrical wire in 500 foot rolls (Home Depot or
Electrical Supply Stores) are not the best nor the cheapest solution.  But
for the price here of $27.50 per roll (less in the states I would presume)
and laid out on the ground (ROG) with the far end held in place with large
nails (not touching the stranded wire) or other stakes, allows a quick,
efficient and inexpensive radial system.  The THNN wire is easy to handle
and quickly rolled up for grass cutting if needed.  I would not use aluminum
wire for a ground system.  But in Puerto Rico some stations have ended up
using inexpensive barbed wire since some fisherman stripm the BC stations
ground radial systems for fishpot construction.

Herb, KV4FZ

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