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Re: Topband: VP6DX Very Loud

To: <>
Subject: Re: Topband: VP6DX Very Loud
From: Björn Mohr <>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:23:42 +0100
List-post: <">>
On 080226 22:35 , "Ed Gray W0SD" <> wrote:

> VP6DX was unbelievably loud here this morning.  A true S-9+ signal being
> the strongest at 1315z. They were louder on the 1/4 wave vertical than
> the drooping dipole at 195 feet.

You guys are lucky!

Here in the Stockholm area VP6DX has not been strong enough when I have had
the chance to listen. Barely readable in SR is the best I heard them except
for the weekend when they produced a pretty good SSB signal in the contest,
unfortunately outside my band limits.

In addition to the reasons mentioned, the OM2500HF amplifier used at the
topband station would help a little in producing strong signals...

BTW, on 80m they where vy strong, some mornings after SR peaking 599+10dB.

73 de Björn /SM0MDG

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