160 is in my humble opinion about being there when it matters.
Is it wrong to call the same VK? or Dx ? when they are calling Cq with others
replying but not being heard. The amount of times I have called Cq, the band is
dead. Have been just on the verge of calling it a day because no one replied. I
get a call from a station Ive worked loads of times. Just a quick Hello.
followed by Loads of weaker / new stations. The weaker / new stations have
heard the station thats worked me many times before and then found me in there
I start a new country count on all bands every year. My heard but cant work
count this year on 160 is 34. Do I mind if others hear me calling a station I
cant work and then hear them work It. No I dont.
When calling Cq Dx Do I mind a " Eu Pse " No. To give a quick report and thank
you even in a brief Ja window only takes a few seconds. Not to many reply to a
" Eu Pse " with a complete life history im pleased to say.
The bottom line. If I put the hours in I can work most of the ones that got
away. If I dont I wont. 160 is not a Turn the rig on for half an hour and
work all you hear. Even with the best setup the got away list just gets longer.
Hommer Simpson.
Would say " Thinking is the first step towards Failure "
There is enough people incapable of thinking. Tunning on the Dx station
frequency and causing problems.
For the rest of Us just keep on trying.
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