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Re: Topband: Should Be A Great Night!

To: "Phil Clements" <>,<>
Subject: Re: Topband: Should Be A Great Night!
From: "Ford Peterson" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 20:07:03 -0600
List-post: <>
> Okay, it's local S.S. in E. TX. The SSN is 78, A=0, K=0 and the oval is
> almost non-existent. One would think I would be knee-deep in DX now, but
> noooooooo. Even the world-wide spots are slim tonight. What other things
> does one look at other than the obvious? What a band, what a challenge!
> (((73)))
> Phil Clements,
> K5PC

I've hesitated telling the whole world the real secret to predicting good 
propagation on topband--trade secrets are hard to come by.  I've got to tell 
you that this system really-really works.  It's fool proof.  And the system has 
never failed to predict the current Topband weather.  The experts will laugh.  
The old timers will scoff.  But this system works every time.  And it appears 
to be the ONLY known system that works well.  With the smell of smoke from the 
flames burning my nose already, here goes...  

Sit at the radio at sunset.  Tune slowly through the band and listen to the 
weak ones.  If no DX, then go about your business.  About 30 minutes later, do 
the same thing.  When the band is open, you will hear the DX.  If they are 
strong, you can even work them.  If you don't hear DX, then go about your 
business but be certain to return within the 30 minute window to check again.  
Continue the procedure throughout the evening until well after your local 
sunrise.  Get some rest, and then do it again the next night.  It works every 
time!  When the band is open, you hear some amazing stuff.  If it's not open, 
you can always stop at 1817.5 most nights and get some code practice in while 
you surf the airwaves.

To my knowledge, this is the only known prediction method that works.  Some of 
my best DX has been during the calm before the storm--just before the earth 
gets blasted broadside from old sol.  Then again, it can be good when the oval 
is gone, like right now.  Of course, any correlation you can draw one night 
will be a theory destined to be dashed against the nearest rock the next time 
the variables line up the same way.

"Shrouded in mystery" was a profound understatement.


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