Last night I was watching DX activity on 160meters.
Conditions were extremelely poor on my side (even single USA was not heard
But, around 01UTC (I've not noticed the exact time) I've heard very weak CQ
call on 1831kHz from A25/DL7CM.
I've starded to call him. But, not any response from A25/DL7CM.
The same repeated after his second CQ call.
He was extremely low here, below 449 level.
Nothing more has happened that night.
After my local sunrise I was preparing to go sleep a litle bit.
Turning-off my computer I've realized that message prepared at about 01UTC
(A25/DL7CM) was transmitted, but three hours later.
Of course, that was my computer mistake.
But anyway, for your, and others TopBand DXers attention: A25/DL7CM has
appeared for first time on 1831kHz.
Might be, the next night propagation will be much favourable than last night?
Keep watching him.
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